Plant introduction. 2021 (91-92) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Plant introduction 2021. Вип. 91-92 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Tekdal D., Shawuti Can S., Küçükrecep A. Comparison of reproductive organs structure in various genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris grown under the same conditions in Mersin, Turkey. - C. 3-9.
- Mikeladze I., Gvarishvili N., Sharabidze A., Shainidze G. Floristic characteristics of some synanthropic plant communities of the Kobuleti lowland (Adjara, Georgia). - C. 10-23.
- Nedukha O. Appearance of phenotypic plasticity of leaves in psammophyte Corynephorus canescens during flooding. - C. 24-35.
- Shawuti S., Bairam C., Beyatlı A., Afşin Kariper İ., Neslişah Korkut I., Aktaş Z., Oral Öncül M., Erdem Kuruca S. Green synthesis and characterization of silver and iron nanoparticles using Nerium oleander extracts and their antibacterial and anticancer activities. - C. 36-49.
- Novikov A., Sup-Novikova M. Simple and cheap photosystem for herbarium digitization. - C. 50-53.
- Matiashuk R., Gubar L., Pirko I. Essay on the prospects for the use of decorative perennials of the spontaneous flora of the local landscape Feofaniya. - C. 54-63.
- Zaimenko N., Ivanytska B., Didyk N., Malashchuk O., Rakhmetov D., Gryshko V., Poliakova A., Pyzyk M., Slaski J. Effect of analcite on cadmium phytoavailability and phytotoxity. - C. 64-73.
- Klymenko Y. A review on the book "Leonid Rubtsov – a prominent landscape architect” by O. L. Rubtsova and N. V. Chuvikina. - C. 74-75.