Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2021 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2021. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Serdiuk O., Petrova I. Antimonopoly Legislation of Ukraine: Problems and Prospects. - C. 5-10.
- Liashenko V., Trushkina N. Cluster Component of Sustainable Regional Development: Romanian Practice and Ukrainian Realities. - C. 11-18.
- Bagirzadeh A. Directions for Improving State Policy to Form and Strengthen the Export Potential of Agricultural Products. - C. 19-24.
- Abbasova Sh., Orujova T., Orujova M. Еcological Approach to Assessing the Sustainability of Economic Growth. - C. 25-28.
- Alieva N. Economic and Mathematical Modeling of the Innovation Process in the Agro-Industrial Sector. - C. 29-32.
- Abbasov S. Improving Cash Flow Management. - C. 33-38.
- Chebotarov Ie. "Lublin Triangle": Prospects for the Formation of a Transport and Logistics Cluster (Aspects of Modern Marketing Management). - C. 39-44.
- Maharramov S. Econometric Assessment of Azerbaijan's Logistics Capabilities in Terms of Relations with Turkic-Speaking States. - C. 45-52.
- Shkrygun Yu. Management of Logistics Activities of Enterprises in the Context of Industry 4.0. - C. 53-61.
- Ostrovetskyy V. Some Aspects of Improving the Management System of Enterprises of the Baking Industry in Ukraine. - C. 62-67.
- Bolotina Ye., Shubna O., Кvasha A., Melchenko V. Political Aspects of Public Administration in the Public Sector of Ukraine. - C. 68-74.
- Simakov K., Simakovа О. Features of Teaching Analytical and Accounting Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions. - C. 75-79.
- Fomichenko I., Bashtovyi V., Barkova S., Pakhomova O. Peculiarities of Innovative Risk Management at Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine. - C. 80-88.
- Stolyarova V., Shynkaryuk O., Stolyarov V., Antoshkin V., Goryacha O., Frolova G. Monitoring of Human Development in Regions of Ukraine (Integrated Approach). - C. 89-98.
- Abbasov A., Abbasov S. Problems of Development of Social Business. - C. 99-103.
- Boretska N., Krapivina G. World Experience in the Digitalization of Public Administration in the Development of the Tourist and Recreational Sphere. - C. 104-111.
- Liashenko V., Glinkowska-Krauze B., Chebotarov Ie. 7 International Scientific and Practical Seminar "Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Educational Integration: a Two-Way Road". - C. 112.