Science and innovation. 2022, 18 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2022. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Marchenko T. V. Correlation-Regression Analysis of Innovation Factor Influence on GDP Growth. - C. 3-15.
- Udovychenko S. M., Makhsma M. B. Monitoring the Activities of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Innovation-Driven Development of Ukraine. - C. 16-25.
- Boiko V. O., Boiko L. O. Problems and Prospects for Innovation-Driven Development of the Tourism Industry in Ukrainе. - C. 26-37.
- Khoroshylov S. V., Lapkhanov E. O. Time-Periodic Spacecraft Attitude Control with the Use of Slewing Permanent Magnets. - C. 38-48.
- Yakymets V. M., Pechiborshch V. P., Yakymets V. M., Volianskyi P. B., Yadchenko D. M., Buyun L. I., Ohorodniychuk I. V. Prospects for Using Unmanned Aerial Vehi cles for Medical and Biological Protection of the Civilians and the Military in the Safe Zone and the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) Area. - C. 49-60.
- Avdieieva L. Yu., Makarenko A. A., Dekusha H. V. Computer Simulation of Fluid Flow Through a Venturi Nozzle of Different Configurations. - C. 61-68.
- Neimash V. B. Radiation Technology for the Manufacture of Medical Products with Nanosilver: from Development to Commercialization. - C. 69-84.
- Adjamskiy S., Kononenko G., Podolskyi R., Baduk S. Studying the Influence of Orientation and Layer Thickness on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Co-Cr-Mo Alloy Manufactured by the SLM Method. - C. 85-94.
- Zelisko A. V., Rozghon O. V. The Corporate Form of Innovating Entities in Ukraine. - C. 95-108.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 109-110.