Journal of mechanical engineering. 2022, 25 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2022. Вип. 3 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Shugaylo O. P., Bilyk S. I. The Specifics of the Compilation of the Calculated Load Combinations in the Assessment of Seismic Resistance of Steel Supporting Structures of Nuclear Power Plant Equipment and Piping. - C. 6-15.
- Uspenskyi B. V., Derevianko I. I., Avramov K. V., Polishchuk O. F., Salenko O. F. Multi-Cycle Fatigue of Composite Three-Layer Plates with Honeycomb Structure Made by Additive FDM Technologies. - C. 16-28.
- Hontarovskyi P. P., Smetankina N. V., Garmash N. H., Melezhyk I. I., Protasova T. V. Development of a Methodology for Calculating the Stress State and Resource of a Hydrogen Generator Using the Finite Element Method. - C. 29-39.
- Kostikov A. O., Zevin L. I., Krol H. H., Vorontsova A. L. The Optimal Correcting the Power Value of a Nuclear Power Plant Power Unit Reactor in the Event of Equipment Failures. - C. 40-45.
- Abdulin M. Z., Siryi O. A., Kobylianska O. O. Energy-Ecological Assessment of the Boiler Equipment Modernized with the Jet-Niche Technology. - C. 46-55.
- Nechaiev A. V., Tarelin A. O., Annopolska I. Ye. Analysis of the Influence of Steam Electrification on the Working Processes of a Wet Steam Turbine. - C. 56-64.