Ukrainian journal of physics. 2022, 67 (7) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2022. Вип. 7 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Vukstich V. S., Bohachov H. G., Vasiliev O. V., Remeta E. Yu. Electron-impact ionization of tyrosine and threonine amino acid molecules. - C. 473-484.
- Maireche A. Deformed Dirac and Shrödinger equations with improved mie-type potential for diatomic molecules and fermionic particles in the framework of extended quantum mechanics symmetries. - C. 485-504.
- Bouchikhi A. Study of the neon dielectric barrier discharge on a capacitively coupled radio frequency at a low pressure with metastable atom density: Effect of the pressure. - C. 504-514.
- Stoliaryk O. D., Khorolskyi O. V. Influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the acid-base balance in aqueous sodium chloride solutions. - C. 515-526.
- Bulavin V. I., Vyunnik I. N. Compensation of isotope effects at the near solvation of singly charged ions in light and heavy waters. - C. 527-535.
- Brezvin R. S., Kostetskyi O. Ya., Stadnyk V. Yo., Shchepanskyi P. A., Horina O. M., Rudysh M. Ya., Shapravskyi A. O. Dilatometric Study of LiNH4SO4 Crystals with Manganese Impurity. - C. 536-543.
- Bondar N. V., Brodyn M. S., Piryatinski Yu. P., Matveevskaya N. A. Steady-state spectroscopy and sub-nanosecond resonance transfer of exciton excitation energy in the Aqueous solutions and films of ZnSe nanocrystals. - C. 544-556.