Biotechnologia Acta. 2022, 15 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2022. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Bortyanuy I. O., Prekrasna Ie. P., Iungin O. S. Plant growth-promoting traits of Antarctic endophytic bacteria. - C. 5-7.
- Dovhyi R., Pasichnichenko M., Marynchenko A., Oliynyk Zh., Nefodova A., Rudyk M., Skivka L. Circadian variation in functional polarization of murine peritoneal macrophages. - C. 8-10.
- Fedosova N. I., Symchych T. V., Chumak A. V., Shcherbina V. M., Cheremshenko N. L., Karaman O. M. The effect of B. Subtilis ІМV B-7724 lectin on functional activity of the main effectors of antitumor immunity of intact mice. - C. 11-14.
- Kolobova I. G., Liubich L. D., Staino L. P., Egorova D. M. Effects of progenitor cell conditioned media on the amount of brain cortex neurons in a rat model of traumatic brain injury. - C. 15-17.
- Nefodova A., Rudyk M., Svyatetska V., Pasichnichenko M. Functional and phenotypic characteristics of circulating phagocytes in rats with different models of Alzheimer’s disease. - C. 18-21.
- Nesterenko Y. O., Rachkov O. E., Kozoriz K. O., Borkovska L. V. Electrolytic aggregation in solutions with quantum dots and gold nanoparticles modified with oligonucleotides. - C. 22-26.
- Ostapchenko D. I., Vedenicheva N. P., Garmanchuk L. V. Cytokinin fraction of the Hericium coralloides increases oxidative metabolism of murine peritoneal macrophages. - C. 27-29.
- Rebenko K., Donskoy B., Stamboli L. Іmmunoglobulin isotypes and blood monocyte subpopulations in COVID-19 female patients with different disease severity. - C. 30-33.
- Shustyk D. A., Yumyna J. M., Zelena P. P., Faidiuk J. V. Grain-residing endophytic bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa P 6.3 possesses growth-promoting activity and protect wheat grain from pathogenic effect of Pseudomonas syringae. - C. 34-36.
- Kulyk Ya. S., Siromolot A. A., Kolybo D. V. Epitopes identification of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against Corynebacterium diphtheriae exotoxin. - C. 37-40.
- Sokolenko V. L., Sokolenko S. V., Honcharenko V. V., Kucher V. V., Kobal I. V. Indicators of the skin microbiota and the phagocytic activity in meat and egg production workers. - C. 41-43.
- Susak Y. M., Palitsa R. Y., Markulan L. Yu., Maksуmenko M. V. The impact of biliary drainage mode on bacteriobilia occurrence in patients with hilar malignant obstruction. - C. 44-46.
- Symchych T. V., Fedosova N. I., Chumak A. V., Cheremshenko N. L., Karaman O. M. Effects of B. Subtilis IMV В-7724 lectin on malignant and normal cells in vitro. - C. 47-49.
- Volodkina D., Stupak I., Senchylo N., Molozhava O., Garmanchuk L. The influence of photosensitive peptidomimetics on weight indices of immune organs of experimental animals with transplantable lewis lung carcinoma. - C. 50-52.