Ukrainian journal of physics. 2023, 68 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2023. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Kalzhigitov N., Kurmangaliyeva V. O., Takibayev N. Zh., Vasilevsky V. S. Resonance structure of 8Be within the two-cluster resonating group method. - C. 3-18.
- Karplyuk K. S., Kozak M. I., Zhmudskyy O. O. Factorization of the Lorentz transformations. - C. 19-24.
- Nimych A. V., Sydorov O. Y., Shevchuk V. G. Influence of a non-uniform electric field on the combustion of Liquid hydrocarbon fuels. - C. 25-29.
- Kopp M. I., Yanovsky V. V. Darcy–Brinkman bio-thermal convection in a porous rotating layer saturated by a newtonian fluid containing gyrotactic microorganisms. - C. 30-37.
- Kupchak I. M., Korbutyak D. V. Spectral characteristics of passivated CdTe quantum dots with coordinate-dependent parameters. - C. 38-46.
- Zinovchuk A. V., Stepanchikov D. A., Vasylieva R. Yu., Slipokurov V. S. Fluctuations of piezoelectric polarization in III-nitride quantum wells. - C. 47-52.
- Vengrenovich R. D., Ivanskii B. V., Kryvetskyi V. I., Fesiv I. V., Yarema S. V. To the dimensional effect in nanostructured systems. - C. 53-56.
- Zolotarenko O. D., Rudakova E. P., Zagorulko I. V., Akhanova N. Y., Zolotarenko An. D., Schur D. V., Gabdullin M. T., Ualkhanova M., Myronenko T. V., Zolotarenko A. D. Comparative analysis of products of electric arc synthesis using graphite of different grades. - C. 57-69.