Journal of mechanical engineering. 2022, 25 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2022. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Rusanov A. V., Subotin V. H., Khoryev O. M., Bykov Yu. A., Korotaiev P. O., Ahibalov Ye. S. Effect of 3D Shape of Pump-Turbine Runner Blade on Flow Characteristics in Turbine Mode. - C. 6-14.
- Shugaylo O. P. The Impact of Changes in the Conditions of Fastening of Steel Supporting Structures of Nuclear Power Plants Equipment and Piping on Their Seismic Resistance. - C. 14-24.
- Nechaiev A. V., Annopolska I. Ye., Lukianov V. M. Experimental Evaluation of the Wet Steam Flow Electrification Effect on Its Dielectric Properties. - C. 25-31.
- Maksymenko-Sheiko K. V., Sheiko T. I., Lisin D. O., Petrenko N. D. Mathematical and Computer Modeling of the Forms of Multi-Zone Fuel Elements with Plates. - C. 32-38.
- Sklepus S. M. Method of Solving Geometrically Nonlinear Bending Problems of Thin Shallow Shells of Complex Shape. - C. 39-45.
- Mykhailenko V. H., Antonov O. V., Lukianova O. I., Lukianov Ye. F., Khinievich O. Ye., Vitkovska T. S. Method of Obtaining of Metal Oxide Anodes That Do Not Contain Noble Metals. - C. 46-57.