Ukrainian journal of physics. 2016, 61 (12) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2016. Вип. 12 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Chudak N. O., Merkotan K. K., Ptashynskyy D. A., Potiyenko O. S., Deliyergiyev M. A., Tykhonov A. V., Sokhrannyi G. O., Zharova O. V., Berezovs’kyi O. D., Voitenko V. V. Internal States of Hadrons in Relativistic Reference Frames. - C. 1033-1047.
- Mazur V. M., Bigan Z. M., Derechkey P. S., Symochko D. M. Excitation Cross Section of the 11/2– Isomeric State of 137Ce Nucleus in (γ, n) Reaction in the 11–18-MeV Energy Interval of Gamma Quanta. - C. 1048-1052.
- Venger E. F., Melnichuk L. Yu., Melnichuk A. V., Semikina T. V. IR Spectroscopic Study of Thin ZnO Films Grown Using the Atomic Layer Deposition Method. - C. 1053-1060.
- Dotsenko I. S., Korobka P. S. Detection of the Entanglement in Many-Qubit Quantum Systems on the Basis of the Mermin and Ardehali Criteria. - C. 1061-1072.
- Author’s Index to the 61st Volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics" for 2016. - C. 1073-1082.
- Subject Index to the 61st Volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics" for 2016. - C. 1083-1090.