Science and innovation. 2023, 19 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2023. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Cuciureanu G., Turcan N., Cojocaru Ir., Cojocaru Ig. Excellence or Misconduct: How the Visibility of Team Leaders Impacts the Research Project Competition in the Republic of Moldova?. - C. 3-16.
- Antoniuk D., Bui Yu., Berezhnytska U., Savko O., Hobyr I. Social Entrepreneurship as Driver for Increasing Social Innovation. - C. 17-30.
- Laiko O. I., Khumarova N. I., Ilchenko S. V., Gryshchenko V. F., Gryshchenko I. V. Conceptual Model of Utilizing the Competitive Ability of Maritime Transport in the Economic Security System. - C. 31-43.
- Sniezhkin Yu. F., Petrova Zh. O. Energy-Consumption and Environmental Aspects of Drying Processes. - C. 44-55.
- Sukach S. V., Cheberiachko Yu. I., Petrenko I. S., Rieznik D. V., Hubachov O. I., Tsybulnyk N. N. Modeling and Risk Assessment of Man-Made Disasters at Petrochemical Enterprises. - C. 56-66.
- Vasilchenko T. О., Hrechanyі O. М., Shevchenko I. А. The Influence of Configuration Parameters of the Planetary Drive of Crank Presses on its Dynamic and Energy-Consumption Characteristics. - C. 67-72.
- Kryshtal H. O. The Role of Logistics in the Development of Agriculture of Ukraine in the War Conditions. - C. 73-82.
- Garazha O., Cherneha I., Ulanchuk V., Skus О., Nepochatenko O. Agricultural Production in Eastern Europe: History, Current Status, and Prospects of the Development for Innovation. - C. 83-98.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 99-100.