Science and innovation. 2023, 19 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2023. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Ilchuk M. M., Kyrychenko A. V., Vodnitskyi M. V. Development of e-Commerce in Ukraine in the War and Post-War Conditions. - C. 3-14.
- Ligonenko L. O., Riepina I. M., Nykyforuk O. I., Berezhnytska U. B., Mysyliuk V. S., Ovsienko А. М. Prospects for the Development of Enterpeneurship: the Role of Universities. - C. 15-37.
- Kosenko A. V. Development of an Efficient Process Scheme for Breaking High-Grade Iron Ores of Low Strength and Stability During Sublevel Caving. - C. 38-47.
- Mulska O. P., Vasyltsiv T. G., Kunytskailiash M. V., Baranyak I. Ye. Innovative Empirics of Migration-Economic Security Causal Nexus. - C. 48-64.
- Gertsiuk M. M. Prediction of Pollution Level Between Measurement Points by Mathematical Modeling Using Interpolation and Recursion. - C. 65-70.
- Kolomiiets O. M. Chemical Binding of Sulfur Dioxide in a Bubbling Reactor with the Use of Urea. - C. 71-81.
- Shcheretskyi V. O., Maliavin A. H., Shche-Retskiy O. A., Korzhyk V. M., Peleshenko S. I., Aloshyn A. A. The Specific Features of Manufacturing Corrosion-Resistant Fluorophlogopite Products by Electric Arc Melting with the Use of Carbide Powder Modifiers in Conditions of SmallScale Production. - C. 82-93.
- Novikova V. V., Zviahintseva К. O. Export Potential of Fruit Products in Agricultural Business. - C. 94-106.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 107-108.