Biotechnologia Acta. 2023, 16 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2023. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Kaniuk M. I. Combined nanochemotherapy using doxorubicin and curcumin as an example. - C. 5-20.
- Pirog T. P., Ivanov M. S. Мicrobial co cultivation: discovery of novel secondary metabolites with different biological activities. - C. 21-39.
- Оhоrоdnyk N., Svarchevska О., Shved O., Kupka T. Main aspects of the manufacturer of organic products in Ukraine. - C. 40-50.
- Korsa V. V., Tykhomyrov A. O. Ultrasound assisted and enzymatic based method for isolation of β-glucans from oat bran. - C. 51-56.
- Nefodova А., Rudyk М., Dovhyi R., Dovbynchuk T., Dzubenko N., Skivka L. Microglia phagocytic activity in rats with different models of alzheimer's disease. - C. 57-66.
- Palamarchuk I. P., Nikolayenko M. S., Ivanyuta A. O., Zabolotnaya S. V., Bal I. M. Utritional value of caviar of siberian sturgeon in Ukraine. - C. 67-75.