Ukrainian journal of physics. 2023, 68 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2023. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Nesterov V. A. Potential of the modified Thomas–Fermi method and its analytical representation by the example of 16 O nucleus interaction with 56,58,60,62,64Ni isotopes. - C. 73-80.
- Kumela A. G., Gemta A. B., Hordofa A. K., Desta T. A., Dangish M., Mekonnen H. D. The quantum features of correlated photons with the effect of phase fluctuation. - C. 81-91.
- Buryi O. A., Vynnyk D. M., Voroniak T. I., Stasyshyn I. V., Ratych A. T., Andrushchak A. S. Propagation of acoustic waves in calcium tungstate crystals. - C. 92-100.
- Bhat J. M., Lone M. Q., Datta S., Dar G. N., Farouk A. Decoherence in a ƤƬ - symmetric qubit. - C. 101-107.
- Vakhnenko O. O. Dipole–monopole crossover and chargeless half-mode in an integrable exciton–phonon nonlinear dynamical system on a regular one-dimensional lattice. - C. 108-112.
- Yakovliev V. S., Ermakov V. N., Lev B. I. Impact of the cell wall on cyanide biodegradation in the model of the respiratory mechanism. - C. 113-121.
- Bulavin L. A., Rudnikov Ye. G. Temperature and pressure effect on the thermodynamics coefficient (∂V/∂T)p of water. - C. 122-131.
- Zabashta Yu. F., Kovalchuk V. I., Svechnikova O. S., Kondratenko S. V., Alekseev S. O., Brytan A. V., Vergun L. Yu., Bulavin L. A. Features of network formation in solutions of rigid-chain polymers. - C. 132-137.
- Bondar I. I., Suran V. V., Minya O. Y., Shuaibov O. K., Bilak Yu. Yu., Shevera I. V., Malinina A. O., Krasilinets V. N. Synthesis of surface structures during laser-stimulated evaporation of a copper sulfate solution in distilled water. - C. 138-144.