Science and innovation. 2023, 19 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2023. Вип. 4 |
- Тitle.
- Contents.
- Pyrozhkov S. I., Reznikova О. О., Gnatiuk S. Ye., Kuryata Ya. E. Assessing the Reliability of Complex Systems Under Uncertainty in the Context of Ensuring National Resilience. - C. 3-15.
- Mekh O. A., Boublyk S. G., Somova O. P., Mekh N. O. Studying the Science Centricity of the Government Legislative Acts in 2014—2022. - C. 16-29.
- Nsama Jonathan Simuziya, Abebe Tigire Jalu An Analytical Review of the Relationship Between Science and Philosophy & Their Utility in Contemporary Global Polity Conceptualization of Technology. - C. 30-46.
- Babachenko O. I., Balakhanova T. V., Safronova O. A., Podolskyi R. V. Specific Features of the Formation of Structural Heterogeneity in Carbon Steel Depending on Manufacturing Technique. - C. 47-56.
- Derii V. O., Nechaieva T. P., Leshchenko I. C. Assessment of the Effect of Structural Changes in Ukraine’s District Heating on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. - C. 57-65.
- Chugunkova T. V., Pastukhova N. L., Topchii T. V., Pirko Y. V., Blume Y. B. Harmfulness of Wheat Yellow Rust and Identification of Resistance Genes to Its Highly Virulent Races. - C. 66-78.
- Golub T. S., Molchanov L. S., Semykin S. І. Studying the Possibility of Using Coherent Type Nozzles for Bof Blowing at the Gas Dynamic Simulation Stand. - C. 79-92.
- Dovbenko V. V., Verkhovliuk A. M. Processing of Aluminum Slag With the Use of Soda. - C. 93-102.
- Instructions to authors. - C. 103-104.