Cybernetics and computer engineering. 2022 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Cybernetics and computer engineering 2022. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Surovtsev I. V., Komar M. M., Bogachuk Yu. P., Sieriebriakov A. K., Babak O. V. Recognition of the Type of Marine Ship Based on Comparison With Normalized Reference Parameters of Radiolocation Signals. - C. 3-25.
- Revunova E. G., Tyshchuk O. V., Desiateryk O. O. The Technology of the Stable Solution for Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Modified Random Projection Method. - C. 26-37.
- Volkov O. Ye., Voloshenyuk D. O., Odarchenko R. S., Bondar S. O., Semenoh R. V., Shcherbina O. A. Analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output System Designs for Base Stations and 5G Wireless Network Mobile Apps. - C. 38-59.
- Fainzilberg L. S. Mobile Information Technology for Assessing the Adaptation Capabilities of the Human Body Under Conditions of Increased Physical and Emotional Loads. - C. 60-79.
- Kutsiak О. А. Mobile System for the Patient's Motor Functions State Diagnostics. - C. 80-94.
- System Index of Articles Published in 2021. - C. 95-96.
- До уваги авторiв. - C. 97-98.