Science and innovation. 2023, 19 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2023. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Heyets V. M., Ustymenko V. A., Kirin R. S. The Innovation and Investment Paradigm of Acquiring Subsoil Use Rights in the Conditions of the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine’s Economy. - C. 3-17.
- Stahiv O. V., Biletska I. M., Perepolkina O. O., Avgustyn R. R., Mykytyn O. Z. Efficiency of the Implementation of Innovation and Investment Projects at Healthcare Institutions: Integral Analysis and Ways of Enhancement. - C. 18-33.
- Skosar V. Yu., Burylova N. V., Voroshilov O. S., Burylov S. V. Development of an Optical Temperature Sensor on Liquid Crystals. - C. 34-42.
- Danylenko Yu. А., Nepokupna Т. А. Analysis of Scintillation Materials for Nuclear Medicine on the Basis of Patent Analytics. - C. 43-56.
- Boyarintsev A. Yu., Nepokupna T. A., Rybalka I. A., Galkin S. M., Kovalchuk S. M., Sibilieva T. G., Kolesnikov O. V. Design and Manufacture of Scintillator-PMT Type Detectors Based on ZnSe(Al) and UPS-923A Plastic Scintillator for α-, β- and Mixed α-β-Radiation Devices. - C. 57-70.
- Dolgopolov S. I. Generalization of Experimental Elasticity of Cavitation Bubbles in LRE Pumps that Differ Significantly in Size and Performance. - C. 71-88.
- Cherviakov M. O., Yarovytsyn O. V., Khrushchov H. D. Expanding the Technological Possibilities of Multilayer Micro-Plasma Powder Deposition Process by Optimizing the Quality and Composition of Process Gases. - C. 89-99.
- Babak V. P., Kulyk M. M. Increasing the Efficiency and Security of Integrated Power System Operation Through Heat Supply Electrification in Ukraine. - C. 100-116.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 117-118.