Український антарктичний журнал. 2023, 21 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Український антарктичний журнал 2023. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Sanaka S., Neska A. Temporal stability of induction vectors from Antarctic Peninsula, AIA INTERMAGNET observatory. - C. 3-12.
- Savchyn І. R., Tretyak K. R. Tectonic plates moment of inertia and angular momentum determination: the case of the Antarctic plate. - C. 13-23.
- Tretyak K. R., Kukhtar D. V. Modeling the Trooz Glacier’s movement using air temperature data and satellite SAR observations in 2015–2022. - C. 24-36.
- Koloskov O. V., Jayachandran P. T., Yampolski Yu. M. On the performance of CARISMA – Akademik Vernadsky station Schumann resonance monitoring. - C. 37-54.
- Nabokin M. V., Salganskiy O. O., Tkachenko V. V., Kovalenko P. A., Dzhulai A. O., Puhovkin A. Yu., Gogol S. V., Protsenko Yu. V., Svetlichniy L. S., Kozeretska I. A. Records of Boeckella poppei (Mrazek, 1901) (Calanoida: Centropagidae) obtained during Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions. - C. 55-65.
- Komplikevych S. Ya., Maslovska O. D., Moravska T. I., Yarmoliuk I. V., Biront N. V., Zaritska Y. H., Hnatush S. O. Adaptations of the antarctic bacterium Paenibacillus tundrae IMV B-7915 to copper (II) chloride exposure. - C. 66-78.
- Roman I., Gromyko O. M. Plant growth promoting properties of an antarctic strain Amycolatopsis sp. Cq 72-27. - C. 79-89.
- Ivannikov R. V., Anishchenko V. M., Poronnik O. O., Myryuta G. Yu., Miryuta N. Yu., Boyko O. M., Hrytsak L. R., Parnikoza I. Yu. Bioactive substances of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. from the Darboux and Lagotellerie Islands, western coast of Antarctic Peninsula. - C. 90-102.
- Krakovska S. V. Review of ‘Contributions to understanding climate interactions: stratospheric ozone’ by Gennadi Milinevsky, Asen Grytsai, Oleksandr Evtushevsky, and Andrew Klekociuk. (2022). - C. 103-107.