Геотехнічна механіка. 2021 (158) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2021. Вип. 158 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Krukovskyi O. P., Minieіev S. P., Krukovska V. V., Belikov I. B. The influence of working seam thickness on permeability of barrier pillars near isolated fire sections. - C. 3-15.
- Rudniev Ye. S., Galchenko V. A., Filatіeva E. M., Antoshchenko M. I. On the issue of scientific substantiation of the method for forecasting the hazardous properties of coal seams. - C. 16-32.
- Kosenko A. V. Research and substantiation of rational parameters of drilling and blasting operations when using emulsional explosives in underground mining. - C. 33-43.
- Hubynskyi M. V., Kirsanov M. V. About the relationship between the radii of bubbles in the condesator of the drive wheel of a vibration-pneumatic machine and at the entrance to the nozzle. - C. 44-54.
- Babii K. V., Malieiev Ye. V., Ikol O. O., Romanenko O. V. Studying the volumes of industrial waste in Ukraine and substantiating the trends in processing rock masses of Kryvbas waste dumps. - C. 55-69.
- Kiriia R. V., Monastyrskyi V. F., Mishchenko T. F., Mostovyi B. I. Determining of limiting angle of inclination of belt conveyor with partitions. - C. 70-83.
- Mukhachev A. P., Yelatontsev D. O., Nefedov V. G. Industrial technology of processing carbonaceous uranium ore in Ukraine. - C. 84-102.
- Kozii Ye. S. Toxic elements in the с_1 coal seam of the Blahodatna mine of Pavlohrad-Petropavlivka geological and industrial area of Donbas. - C. 103-116.
- Suleіmanov A. A. Algorithms for involving consultants as an additional mechanism for ensuring safety in emergency and extreme situations. - C. 117-122.
- Kokoulin I. Ye., Yashchenko I. О. To the issue of risk management in coal production. - C. 123-130.
- Skipochka S. I., Krukovskyi O. P., Palamarchuk T. A. Classification of geomechanical factors that create risks in mines. - C. 131-140.
- Cheberiachko Yu. I., Stolbchenko О. V., Yurchenko A. A., Luts I. O., Мukha O. A. Technique for reducing methane concentration in the stope of the extraction site of a coal mine. - C. 141-152.
- Ishkov V. V., Kozii Ye. S. Morphology of organomineral formations of kidneys of Dnipropetrovsk region residents. - C. 153-160.