Геофизический журнал. 2023, 45 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геофизический журнал 2023. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Starostenko V., Janik T., Czuba W., Środa P., Murovskaya A., Yegorova T., Verpakhovska O., Kolomiyets K., Lysynchuk D., Wójcik D., Omelchenko V., Amashukeli T., Legostaeva O., Gryn D., Chulkov S. The SHIELD’21 deep seismic experiment. - C. 3-10.
- Lukin O., Koliabina I., Shestopalov V., Rud O. Native aluminum as indicator of hydrogen degassing in the formation of hydrocarbon fields. - C. 11-35.
- Gordienko V. V. Earth’s crust and physical fields of the oceans. - C. 36-54.
- Rusakov O., Starostenkо V., Pashkevich I., Kutas R. Contrasting lithospheric geophysical structure of the Black Sea subbasins: Relevance to testing geotectonic models for this mega depression. - C. 55-71.
- Bondarenko M. S., Yevstakhevych Z. M., Kulyk V. V., Diachenko S. I., Dmytrenko O. V., Kamilova O. V. Geophysical technology for determining the ground parameters (methods and apparatus). - C. 72-86.
- Tretyak K. R., Kukhtar D. V. Application of Sentinel-1 radar interferometric images for the monitoring of vertical displacements of the Earth’s surface affected by non-tidal atmospheric loading. - C. 87-101.
- Fomin Yu. O., Demikhov Yu. M., Verkhovtsev V. G., Pokalyuk V. V., Buglak O. V., Borisova N. M. Evolution of the composition of hydrothermal mineral-forming fluid of ore deposits in early Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield. - C. 102-110.
- Zhyrnov P. V., Solomakha I. V. Hydrogeological conditions of Irpin and their influence on the city’s engineering protection and construction assessment. - C. 111-124.
- Yetirmishli G. J., Kazimova S. E., Kazimov I. E. Oil and gas potential and modern seismicity of the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. - C. 125-136.
- Старостенко В. І. Вітання самому молодому академіку Відділення наук про Землю НАН України Стеллі Борисівні Шехуновій з нагоди 60-річного ювілею. - C. 137-139.