Геотехнічна механіка. 2022 (160) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2022. Вип. 160 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Yerofieiev A. M., Ishkov V. V., Kozii Ye. S., Bartashevskiy S. Ye. Geochemical features of nickel in the oils of the Dnipro-Donetsk basin. - C. 5-16.
- Skipochka S. I., Krukovskyi O. P., Palamarchuk T. A., Prokhorets L. V. Mechanic-chemical model of methane generation in the destruction of carbon substance. - C. 17-28.
- Ivlev A. S. Non-ferrous metal prices forecast on the London metal exchange using a neural network. - C. 29-32.
- Babii K. V., Novikov L. A., Batur M. O. Studying the impact of single blasts in open pits on the air dustiness in the city of Krivyi Rih. - C. 33-43.
- Shevchenko S. V., Baranov P. M., Slyvna O. V. Algorithm of geological environment transformation on the example of gemstone objects of Ukraine. - C. 44-50.
- Bezruchko K. A., Pymonenko L. I., Burchak О. V., Baranovskyi V. I., Chelkan V. V. Impact of sedimentation conditions on the coal structure and properties. - C. 51-58.
- Medvedieva O. O., Mormul T. M., Yakubenko L. V., Medyanyk V. Yu. The control of the parameters of man-made placer by the impact on the fractionation process. - C. 59-70.
- Tytov O. O., Sukhariev V. V., Sushchenko O. I. Experimental research of efficiency of the crusher with wave profile of rolls during destruction of lamellar pieces. - C. 71-79.
- Kopach P. I., Yakubenko L. V., Mormul T. M., Danko T. T., Gorobets N. V., Halchenko Z. S. Scientific approaches to solving a problem of highly mineralized mine waters. - C. 80-95.
- Kalhankov Ye. V., Lysytsia M. I., Ahaltsov H. M., Cherniy О. А. Reliability prediction for the rubber lining operating under extreme conditions. - C. 96-105.
- Krukovska V. V., Krukovskyi O. P., Kocherga V. M., Kostrytsia A. O. Solving coupled problems of geomechanics and gas filtration for mining safety ensuring. - C. 106-122.
- Blyuss B. O., Dziuba S. V., Biliaiev N. N., Rusakova T. I. Methodological approaches to mathematical modeling of methane dispersion in atmospheric air. - C. 123-132.
- Shevchenko G. O., Cholyshkina V. V., Sukharyev V. V., Kurilov V. S. Processing of fly ash from thermal power plants by means of mechanical classification by size. - C. 133-140.
- Korovin V. Yu., Pohorielov Yu. M., Shestak Yu. G., Valiaiev O. M. Impact of the fluoride ion and sulfuric acid content in leaching solution on the granite weight decrease. - C. 141-151.
- Zhevzhyk О. V., Potapchuk І. Yu., Yemelianenko V. І., Sekar M., Pertsevyi V. O. Mathematical modeling of the borehole heating process by means of axial plasmatron. - C. 152-159.