Science and innovation. 2024, 20 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2024. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Lavrinenko V. I., Bochechka O. O., Poltoratskyi V. G., Smokvyna V. V., Solod V. Yu. Improving the Performance of Diamond Grinding Tool by Modifying the Synthetic Diamond Surfaces. - C. 3-14.
- Zaporozhets Y. M. The Novel Mathematical Model and Methodology for Computer Si mu lation of Magnetic Field in a Nonlinear Medium. - C. 15-34.
- Shubenko О. L., Babak M. Yu., Senetskyi О. V. Approximate Mathematical Model of an Absorption Heat Pump with Steam Heating for Integration in the Steam Turbine Thermal Scheme. - C. 35-48.
- Pylypenko O. V., Dolgopolov S. I., Nikolayev O. D., Khoriak N. V. Mathematical Mo deling of the Transient Processes in Propulsion System of the Upper Stage of the Cyclone-4M Launch Vehicle. - C. 49-67.
- Karmalita A. K., Pundyk S. I., Onofriichuk V. I., Smutko S. V., Shpak O. L., Horiashchenko S. L., Bilyi L. A. Organization of the Operating Environment for Industrial Robots Processing Flat Objects That Have Asymmetry of Part Surfaces. - C. 68-73.
- Golubek A. V. Correcting Measurements of Launch Vehicle’s Angular Motion Parameters of a Strapdown Inertial Navigation System with the Use of a Celestial Navigation System. - C. 74-86.
- Sigarev E. N., Rudenko R. M., Chubin K. I., Kashcheev M. A., Rudenko M. R., Chubina O. A. New Technical Solutions for Increasing the Active Cross-Section Area of Fire Grates of Sintering Machine. - C. 87-97.
- Rozghon O. V., Davydova I. V., Oliukha V. H., Shepeliuk V. A. Problems of Digitization and Use of Digitized Works by Museums from the Position of German and Ukrainian Copyright Law. - C. 98-130.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 131-132.