Microbiological journal. 2023, 85 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Microbiological journal 2023. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gudzenko O. V., Borzova N. V., Varbanets L. D., Seifullina I. I., Martsinko E. E., Buchko O. V., Pesaroglo А. G. Influence of New Types of Biscitratogermanates on Penicillium restrictum α-L-Rhamnosidase. - C. 3-11.
- Polishchuk L. V., Lukyanchuk V. V. Sequences Similar to the lan-Cluster (Streptomyces cyanogenus S136) Were Found in the Genomes of Other Streptomycetes. - C. 12-21.
- Zahrychuk O. M., Mykhailyshyn H. I., Volch I. R., Klumnyuk S. I., Romanyuk L. B. Species Characteristics of Causative Agents of Acute Appendicitis in Children and Determination of Their Susceptibility to Antibiotics. - C. 22-31.
- Mykhailyshyn H. I., Klumnyuk S. I., Spivak M. Ya., Sverstiuk A. S., Lazarenko L. M. The Effect of Probiotic Therapy on the Vagina Microbiota and the Humoral Link of Immunity in Bacterial Vaginosis. - C. 32-47.
- Lazarenko L. M., Babenko L. P., Safronova L. A., Demchenko O. M., Bila V. V., Zaitseva G. M., Spivak M. Ya. Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Action of Probiotic Composition of Bacilli on Bacterial Vaginitis in Mice. - C. 48-60.
- Povnitsa O. Y., Zahorodnia S. D., Artiukh L. O., Zahornyi M. M., Ievtushenko A. I. Photodynamic Treatment of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles is a Convenient Method of Adenoviral Inactivation. - C. 61-70.
- Buzun A. I., Stegniy B. T., Paliy A. P., Spivak M. Ya., Bogach M. V., Stegniy M. Yu., Kuzminov A. V., Pavlichenko O. V. Experimental Epizotology of Low-Virulent Variants of African Swine Fever Virus. - C. 71-87.
- Matselyukh B. P. Zelman Abraham Waksman (on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his Death). - C. 88-90.