Science and innovation. 2024, 20 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2024. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Iefymenko T. І., Lovinska L. H., Kucheriava M. V. Sustainable Development Reporting in Emergency Situations. - C. 3-23.
- Ryzhko L. V., Lytvynko А. S., Zhyvaha О. V. History and Sociology of Science During the Crisis and Transitional Periods of Social Development. - C. 24-37.
- Shevchenko A. P., Kysliakov V. G., Dvoskin B. V., Manachyn I. A. Change in Slag Composition and Sulfur Content of Hot Metal in the Process Chain of Blast Furnace — Hot Metal Desul furization Complex — Converter (BOF). - C. 38-49.
- Golub T. S., Molchanov L. S., Semykin S. І., Vakulchuk V. V. Evaluating the Effi ciency of Using Coherent-Type Nozzles for the Conditions of Additional Postcombustion of CO to CO2 in the Wor king Space of the Oxygen Converter. - C. 50-59.
- Novak D. S., Moshenskyi A. O., Bereznenko S. M., Serhiienko L. H., Guida O. G. Functional System for Temperature and Relative Air Humidity Software Monitoring in Interlayer Clothing Space. - C. 60-68.
- Nikiforenko V. S. Conceptual Framework for the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems in the Protection of the State Border. - C. 69-78.
- Kuznietsov P. М., Biedunkova O. О., Yaroshchuk O. V., Pryshchepa A. M. Optimization of the Anti-Scale Corrective Treatment of Water by Organic Phosphonate. - C. 79-90.
- Ustymenko V. A., Rossylna O. V. Problems of Biotechnology Legal Regulation in the Field of Healthcare. - C. 91-100.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 101-102.