Biotechnologia Acta. 2024, 17 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски)
| Biotechnologia Acta 2024. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Pirog T. P., Kliuchka I. V. Synergism of antimicrobial activity of antibiotics with biocides of natural origin. - C. 5-19.
- Lutsenko T. M., Chernetsky A. S., Kovalchuk P. S., Prozor A. V., Krailo O. O., Ruzhytska B. A. Directions of developing new technologies based on cultivation of animal cells and tissues. - C. 20-28.
- Onoiko O. B., Zolotareva O. K. Bioactive compounds and pharmacognostic potential of Tetragonia tetragonioides. - C. 29-42.
- Mykchaylova O. B., Negriyko A. M., Bespalova O. Ya., Polovets Ya. V., Poyedinok N. L. Influence of low-intensity light on the biosynthetic activity of the medicinal macromycete Laricifomes officinalis (Fomitopsidaceae, Polyporales) in vitro. - C. 43-54.
- Eltyeb E. M., Suleman N. M. Heterogeneous esterification of extracted fibers from Leptadenia pyrotechnica and Phoenix dactylifera L.. - C. 55-61.
- Baersch G., Bhatia S. Relationship between the spectrometric values of DNA, RNA, and the PCR presence of a pathogen in single tick samples. - C. 62-67.
- Author rules. - C. 68-78.