Journal of mechanical engineering. 2023, 26 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2023. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Kostikov A. O., Shubenko O. L., Tarasova V. O., Yakovliev V. A., Mazur A. O. Ways of TPP Power Units Modernization During Their Conversion to Ultra-Supercritical Steam Parameters. - C. 6-16.
- Avramov K. V., Sirenko V. M., Zaverukha V. V., Plankovskyy S. I., Tsegelnyk Ye. V., Kombarov V. V. Strength of Composite Transport and Launch Container for Rocket Launch. - C. 17-22.
- Baida Ye. I., Panteliat M. H., Kuzmin A. O. The Influence of Mechanical Deformation Consideration on the Results of the Calculation of the Vacuum Circuit Breaker Drive Shaft. - C. 23-28.
- Makarov P. M. The Choice of a Rational Technology for Manufacturing the Hydrogenerators-Motors Rotor Rim. - C. 29-37.
- Kurpa L. V., Shmatko T. V., Linnik A. B. Analysis of Stability and Vibrations of Porous Power and Sigmoid Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates by the R-Functions Method. - C. 38-49.
- Surhanova Yu. E., Mikhlin Yu. V. Study of the Stability of the Mathematical Model of the Coupled Pendulums Motion. - C. 50-58.
- Solovei V. V., Kleperis J., Zipunnikov M. M. Combination of Electro- and Radiochemical Processes for Hydrogen and Oxygen Obtaining. - C. 59-66.
- Sytnykov P. A. Study of the Structure and Properties of Deposited Layers of NiCrBSi Alloy, Modified with Composite Material. - C. 67-76.