Journal of mechanical engineering. 2023, 26 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2023. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Avramov K. V., Uspenskyi B. V., Urniaieva I. A., Breslavskyi I. D. Bifurcations and Stability of Nonlinear Vibrations of a Three-Layer Composite Shell with Moderate Amplitudes. - C. 6-15.
- Sklepus S. M. Bending of Plates with Complex Shape Made from Materials that Differently Resist to Tension and Compression. - C. 16-23.
- Hirschl A., Osterreicher D. Evaluation of the Influences of Different Roof Shapes on the Flow Properties and Performance of Small Wind Turbines. - C. 24-33.
- Mykhailenko V. H., Lukianov Ye. F., Lukianova O. I., Vitkovska T. S., Khinievich O. Ye. Effect of Magnetic Field on Optical Density of Distilled Water. - C. 33-39.
- Kapitanova L. V., Kirnosov D. S., Riabkov V. I. Criterion Basis for Assessment of Transport Aircrafts Modifications by Cost Indicators. - C. 39-45.