Геотехнічна механіка. 2023 (165) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2023. Вип. 165 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Skipochka S. I., Palamarchuk T. A., Prokhorets L. V., Serhiienko V. M. Development of a system for ranking geomechanical factors, which influence the stability of uranium mines workings. - C. 5-16.
- Medvedieva O. O., Halchenko Z. S., Shustov O. O., Akhmetkanov D. K. Prospects for use of man-made disturbed lands in mining regions for the location of renewable energy sources facilities. - C. 17-26.
- Minieiev S. P., Usov O. А. Criterion for assessment of compliance of water consumption by the irrigation system of imported roadheaders with the requirements of Ukrainian regulations. - C. 27-35.
- Yelisieiev V. I., Lutsenko V. I., Sovit Yu. P., Heti K. V. Mass exchange in two-layer medium moving through the narrow cylindrical channel. - C. 36-44.
- Minieiev S. P., Vasilyev L. M., Trohymets M. Ya., Maltseva V. Ye., Vialushkin Ye. O., Polushyna M. V. The method for driving preparatory roadway in gas-saturated rocks prone to gas-dynamic phenomena. - C. 45-50.
- Krukovskyi O. P., Krukovska V. V., Kurnosov S. А., Yanzhula O. S., Bulich Yu. Yu. Study of permanent workings stability when they are driven through the gob of relieving longwall. - C. 51-63.
- Zhyhula T. I., Mishchenko T. F. Theoretical research of the influencing of the basic parameters of tubular belt conveyors on the magnitude of risk of tubular belt torsion. - C. 64-71.
- Shevchenko H. O., Cholyshkina V. V., Sukhariev V. V., Kurilov V. S., Lebed H. B. Granulometrical composition of the waste of thermal power plants. - C. 72-83.
- Semenenko Ye. V., Tepla T. D., Medianyk V. Yu., Skosyrev V. H., Babets D. V. Determination of the non-deformable core radius of flow in structured suspension pipeline using the theory of stability of lyophobic colloids. - C. 84-96.
- Krukovska V. V., Krukovskyi O. P. Formation of the near-face stress field under the influence of natural and technological factors. - C. 97-116.
- Kokoulin I. Ye. Improvement of methods of analysis and estimation of emergency risks of coal mines. - C. 117-128.
- Babii K. V., Chetveryk M. S., Ikol O. O., Malieiev Ye. V., Kuantay А. S. Technical and technological solutions regarding the development of pillars during final mining of deep open pits. - C. 129-138.
- Stefanovych L. I., Feldman E. P., Mazur O. Yu. Adsorbed metane displacement by water vapour into closed cavity of coal-rock seams. - C. 139-150.
- Hovorukha A. V. Improvement of the service life and stability of rail vehicles in the mining and industrial sector by means of friction modifiers. - C. 151-168.
- Petrenko I. S., Shevchenko V. H., Cheberiachko Yu. I., Rieznik D. V., Zavalii А. В. Creating a score-modified Ishikawa cause-and-effect diagram for mining and processing enterprises. - C. 169-183.