Science and innovation. 2024, 20 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2024. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Khaustova V. Ye., Kyzym M. O., Salashenko T. I., Hubarieva I. O. Assessment of the Fuel Security of the European Countries and the Threat of Ukraine’s Fall into the Trap of Fuel Dependence. - C. 3-21.
- Karmadonova T. M. Abandoned Code: War and Migration of Ukrainian IT Specialists. - C. 22-32.
- Klyuchko O. М., Beletsky A. Ya., Melezhyk О. V., Gonchar O. O. Innovation Approaches to the Construction of Bioinformation Systems with Databases: Keys Based on Genetic Codes. - C. 33-48.
- Lapshuda V. A., Koval V. M., Dusheiko M. G., Yasiievych Yu. V., Barbash V. A., Yashchenko O. V. Nanocellulose-Based Resistive Sensors for Air Humidity Measurements. - C. 49-60.
- Мitina N. B., Zubareva I. M., Skliar T. V., Malinovska N. V., Sytar V. I., Kudriavthcev A. V. The Influence of Microbial-Origin Growth Stimulators on the Development of Vermiculture. - C. 61-69.
- Chudyk I. I., Dmytruk V. V., Humeniuk V. V., Polianska A. S., Zapuchliak I. B. Information Support of Value-Based Management of Oil and Gas Enterprise. - C. 70-80.
- Polishchuk O. S., Neimak V. S., Romanets T. P., Polishchuk A. O., Karmalita A. K., Bilyi L. A., Tymoshchuk O. G., Korotych O. O., Shpak O. L. The Interaction of the Punch Toroidal Surface with the Eyelet During Grommeting Textile Materials. - C. 81-92.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 93-94.