Science and innovation. 2024, 20 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2024. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Uruskyi O. S., Stankevich S. A., Dudar T. V., Mosov S. P., Prysiazhnyi V. I. Integrated Assessment of Disturbed Ecosystems Using Remote Sensing Technique. - C. 3-15.
- Grytsenko A. А., Bilorus O. G., Burlay T. V., Podliesna V. G., Borzenko O. O. Ukraine’s Economy: Resilience Under War and Challenges for Post-War Recovery. - C. 16-34.
- Chaika O. L., Kornilov B. V., Myravyova I. G., Moskalyna A. O., Lebid V. V., Ivancha N. G. Prospects for the Use of Hydrogen and Hyd rogen-Containing Additives to Reduce CO2 Emissions and to Improve the Performance of Blast Furnace Smelting. - C. 35-52.
- Tsygankov S. P., Ivanova T. S., Spivak S. I., Lukashevich K. M., Blume Ya. B. Development of a Complex Technology for Replacing Fossil Energy Carriers with By-Products in the Bioethanol Production. - C. 53-61.
- Andriychuk V. A., Kostyk L. M., Filiuk Ya. O., Nakonechnyi M. S., Babiuk S. M. Microprocessor Control of the Electric Drive of Variable Radiation Installation and Ensuring of Operation Reliability. - C. 62-70.
- Naidonov A. О., Koval V. M., Barbash V. A., Dusheiko M. H., Yaschenko O. V. Bend Sensors Based on Nanocellulose and Polyvinyl Alcohol Bionanocomposites for Wearable Electronics. - C. 71-82.
- Osipov A. F., Ignatenko O. O. Innovation Technologies for Constructing Large-Span Coverings Using Lifting Modules. - C. 83-94.
- Voytovych L. M., Voytovych D. P. Formation of an Intellectual and Innovative Environment of the Insurance System Development in Ukraine and Worldwide. - C. 95-110.
- Yassine M., Elyoussoufi Attou O., Taouaf I., Arouch M. Summary of the Evaluation of Cities of Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITT) at Moroccan Universities. - C. 111-124.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 125-126.