Ukrainian journal of physics. 2024, 69 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2024. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Ovcharenko A., Lebed O. Detection of structural features of objects using X-ray phase-contrast imaging method. - C. 293-299.
- Borovik O. O. Excitation dynamics of the 5p6 auger spectra in Ba + e– collisions. - C. 300-303.
- Bhavani S. D., Kumar K. V., Rao B. P. C., Chakra C. S., Ganta K. K. A study on fine-tuning the optical energy band gap and various optical parameters with the impact of gadolinium composition in NGFO ferrite nanoparticles. - C. 304-313.
- AL-Temimei F. A., Kadhim S. A., Ali N. H. A DFT study of cenobamate and its new isomers as medications for an effective medical treatment of epilepsy. - C. 314-320.
- Ignatov I., Stankov I. K. Parameters and effects of magnemtic field and potassium carbonate in water. Applications. - C. 321-328.
- Zabashta Yu. F., Kovalchuk V. I., Svechnikova O. S., Vergun L. Yu., Bulavin L. A. Deformation and the structure of cartilage tissue. - C. 329-335.
- Poplavko Y. M. The nature of pyroelectric polarity. - C. 336-348.
- Nechyporuk B. D., Kolomys O. F., Rudyk B. P., Strelchuk V. V., Moroz M. V., Myslinchyk V. O., Tataryn B. A. Optical and structural properties of nanopowders of lead compounds obtained by the electrochemical method. - C. 349-356.
- Lebovka N. I., Bulavin L. A., Petryk M. R., Vygornitskii N. V. Random sequential adsorption of discorectangles covered with repulsive shells. - C. 357-361.
- Bulavin L. A., Kulish M. P., Gavryushenko D. A., Gotsulskyi V. Ya., Dmytrenko O. P., Doroshenko I. Yu., Lazarenko M. M., Lysetskyi L. M., Malomuzh M. P., Nikolayenko T. Yu., Cherevko K. V., Pavlenko O. L., Prokopenko V. A. Mykola Ivanovych Lebovka (on his 70th birthday). - C. 362-363.