Ukrainian journal of physics. 2024, 69 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2024. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kutlimuratov S. Sh., Otojanova N. B., Tadjibaev I. U. Calculation of the anisotropy parameter for galaxy clusters. - C. 367-372.
- Danylyuk P. S., Rizak G. V., Gomonai O. I., Puga P. P., Frolov A. O., Gomonai A. N., Rizak V. M. Raman scattering in glassy lithium tetraborate activated with erbium and terbium oxides. - C. 373-381.
- Bilotserkivska A. I., Bondarenko I. M., Gritsunov A. V., Babychenko O. Yu., Sviderska L. I., Vasianovych A. V. Decomposition of electromagnetic potentials in partial functions of dispersive electrodynamic lines. - C. 382-394.
- Chepilko N. M., Ponomarenko S. A. Physical principles of a ferromagnetic gyroscope with nanoscale sensitive elements. - C. 395-408.
- Zabashta Yu. F., Kovalchuk V. I., Svechnikova O. S., Vergun L. Yu., Bulavin L. A. The sol-gel transition in hydrogels as the first-order phase transition. - C. 409-416.
- Yakovkin I. I., Ledney M. F. Electrocontrol over surface plasmon oscillations in a homeotropic nematic liquid crystal cell. - C. 417-430.
- Bondar M. V., Bezrodna T. V., Gavrylko T. V., Klishevich G. V., Curmei M. D., Melnyk V. I., Nesprava V. V. Galyna Oleksandrivna Puchkovska (to the 90th Anniversary of Her Birthday). - C. 431-434.