Ukrainian journal of physics. 2024, 69 (8) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2024. Вип. 8 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Zagorodny A., Zasenko V., Perepelytsya S. To the 115th anniversary of the birth of Mykola Bogolyubov. - C. 517-518.
- Lev B., Zagorodny A. Fluctuations and power Low distribution function in nonequilibrium systems. - C. 519-527.
- Loktev V. M., Turkowski V. Symmetry and value of the order parameter in 2d nematic superconductors. - C. 528-536.
- Eremko A. A., Brizhik L. S., Loktev V. M. To the theory of the Lamb shift in the relativistic hydrogen atom. - C. 537-551.
- Petrov E. G., Shevchenko Ye. V., Leonov V. O., Teslenko V. I. Kinetics in the two-level system with strong time-dependent coupling of its states to the phonon bath: spin-boson description. - C. 552-559.
- Gnatovskyy V., Anchishkin D., Zhuravel D., Karpenko V. Phase diagrams of a relativistic self-interacting boson system. - C. 560-576.
- Vakhnenko O. O., Vakhnenko V. O. Development and analysis of novel integrable nonlinear dynamical systems on quasi-one-dimensional lattices.Parametrically driven nonlinear system of pseudo-excitations on a two-leg ladder lattice. - C. 577-590.
- Christophorov L. N. Continuous Time randon walks with resetting in a bounded chain. - C. 591-599.
- Bulakhov M., Peletminskii A. S., Slyusarenko Yu. V. Influence of photon subsystem on the magnetic properties of quantum gases. - C. 600-610.
- Malysheva L. I. On Zero-temperature current through atomic chain subjected to a uniformly varying field: Green's function formalism. - C. 611-619.
- Vyacheslav Fedorovych Klepikov (to his 75th birthday). - C. 620-621.