Science and innovation. 2024, 20 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2024. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Grytsenko A. A., Lypov V. V. Platform Cooperativism and its Application in Renewable Energy. - C. 3-17.
- Zharkov I. P., Safronov V. V., Khodunov V. O., Konoval V. M., Palamarchuk I. P., Selivanov O. V., Solonetsky A. G., Mamykin S. V., Yastrubchak O. B., Romanyuk V. R. Autonomous Vibrationless Temperature-Controlled Cryosystem for Optical Studies with a Spectroscopic Ellipsometer. - C. 18-29.
- Blume Ya. B., Obodovych O. M., Sydorenko V. V. Influence of the Conditions of Alkaline Pretreatment of Vegetable Raw Material before Hydrolysis in a Rotor Pulsation Device on the Cellulose Conversion. - C. 30-37.
- Babachenko O. I., Kononenko G. A., Merkulov O. Ye., Podolskyi R. V., Safronova O. A. Influence of Conditions of Low-Alloy Bainite Grade Steel Cooling on the Dendritic Structure Parameters and Sphericity of Granular Bainite. - C. 38-47.
- Skrypnychenko M. I., Nykyforuk O. I., Bilousova O. S., Stasiuk O. M., Fediaі N. O., Bilotserkivets’ O. H., Kuznetsova L. I. Investment Attractiveness and Multiplier Effects for the National Economy from the Development of the Titanium Industry. - C. 48-66.
- Slizkov A. M., Mykhailova H. M., Borolis I. I. Comprehensive Approach to Evaluating the Macro- and Micropore Structures of Textile Materials. - C. 67-78.
- Harazha O. P., Shevchuk D. О. Air Transport Organization: Competitiveness, Globalization, and Innovation. - C. 79-90.
- Osipov S. O. Fundamentals of the Theory of Restoration Processes. - C. 91-100.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 101-102.