Геотехнічна механіка. 2023 (166) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2023. Вип. 166 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Balalaiev O. K., Bezruchko K. А., Burchak O. V., Pymonenko L. I., Baranovskyi V. H., Serikov Yu. А. Analytical review of electrical phenomena research in coalification in view of the scale hierarchy. - C. 5-14.
- Semenenko Ye. V., Medvedieva O. O., Tepla T. D., Medianyk V. Yu., Khamynych О. V. Determination of the limit concentration of structured suspension according to the theory of lyophobic colloids stability. - C. 15-30.
- Krukovskyi O. P., Larionov H. I., Zemlyana Yu. V., Hvorostyan V. O., Golovko S. A. The use of sequential approximation method for risk determination in problems of geotechnical mechanics. - C. 31-43.
- Hovorukha V. V., Hovorukha A. V., Makarov Yu. O., Sobko T. P., Semyditna L. P. Research of deformed state of railway track joint zones in complex operating conditions of rail transport. - C. 44-51.
- Nefedov V. H., Matvieiev V. V., Chepynska O. O., Polishchuk Yu. V. Hydrogen production in a combined electrochemical system: anode process. - C. 52-61.
- Bezruchko K. А., Pymonenko L. I., Karhapolov A. A., Baranovskyi V. H. The hypothesis about the origin of non-conventional deposits of hydrocarbons on the basis of the tectonic mobility concept of tectonics. - C. 62-74.
- Lysytsia M. I., Novikova A. V., Zabolotna O. Yu., Ahaltsov H. M. Substantiation of parameters and experimental studies of vibration isolators of high load capacity. - C. 75-83.
- Mukhachev A. P., Yelatontsev D. O. Disc-type press filter and its industrial testing. - C. 84-94.
- Krukovska V. V., Krukovskyi O. P., Demchenko S. V. Numerical analysis of the possibility of noxious gases infiltration into a shelter located in a gas-bearing coal-rock mass. - C. 95-108.
- Novikov L. A., Konoval V. M., Ishchenko K. S., Kinasz R. I., Malieiev Ye. V. Quality control of preparation of rock mass explosion in granite open pit. - C. 109-117.
- Romanenko A. O. The determination of the geophysical state of mining massif through expert assessment. - C. 118-124.
- Pihulevskyi P. H., Svistun V. К., Anisimova L. B. The consequences of the catastrophic Turkish earthquake on the territory of Kryvbas on February 6th. - C. 125-133.
- Minieiev S. P., Usov O. O., Naryvskyi R. M. The research of liquid filtration during the processing of coal with a water-foam solution based on antipyrogen. - C. 134-146.
- Kokoulin I. Ye., Kliuiev E. S. Reduction of risk of choosing the optimal ventilation mode for the period of elimination of exogenous fire. - C. 147-152.
- Zberovskyi V. V., Vlasenko V. V., Ahaiev R. A., Dudlia K. Ye., Zmiievska K. O., Pitsyk O. V. Factors initiating crack formation during hydro-impulse loosening of outburst-hazardous coal seams. - C. 153-163.