Геотехнічна механіка. 2023 (167) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2023. Вип. 167 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Shevchenko H. O., Tytov O. O., Sukhariev V. V., Cholyshkina V. V. Research of operational parameters of the centrifugal module during rock mass processing. - C. 5-12.
- Stasevych R. K., Zberovskyi V. V., Ahaiev R. A., Tyshchenko Ye. M., Savochenko R. O., Yelatontsev D. O. Study of modes and parameters of mineral raw material grinding process in ball drum mills. - C. 13-24.
- Bezruchko K. А., Prykhodchenko O. V., Hladka M. O. The impact of folding on the formation of industrial gas content in sandstones under the conditions of Tomashevskyi domes. - C. 25-34.
- Bulat A. F., Krukovskyi O. P., Kurnosov S. A., Makeiev S. Yu. Communication and technological solutions regarding the construction of shelter objects at underground railway stations in fractured and water-logged rocks. - C. 35-46.
- Kokoulin I. Ye., Kliuiev E. S. Reduction of the risk of selecting the emergency ventilation mode through local control of ventilation flows. - C. 47-56.
- Krasnyk V. H. On the mechanism of rock fracture with tools made of hard alloys and polycrystalline superhard materials. - C. 57-65.
- Skipochka S. I., Krukovskyi O. P., Serhiienko V. M., Bulich Yu. Yu. Research of strength and features of deformations of rocks in uranium deposits. - C. 66-76.
- Dziuba S. V., Semenenko Ye. V., Kabakova L. B., Tatarko L. H. Substantiation of environmentally safe modes and parameters of operation of mineral processing waste storage facilities. - C. 77-88.
- Stasevych R. K., Zberovskyi V. V., Vlasenko V. V., Tyshchenko Ye. M., Savochenko R. O., Yelatontsev D. O. Automated system for control and monitoring of explosion safety of the coal grinding process in ball drum mills. - C. 89-99.
- Chernobuk O. I., Ishkov V. V., Kozii Ye. S., Pashchenko P. S., Kozar M. A., Dreshpak O. S. Germanium interrelationship with ash and "toxic" elements in coal on the example of seam С4 of the "Samarska" mine field of Western Donbas. - C. 100-109.
- Bulat A. F., Shevchenko H. O., Cholyshkina V. V., Kurilov V. S. Experimental determination of the solid phase density of thermal power plant ash. - C. 110-118.
- Nazarenko V. O., Brui H. V., Kuchin O. S. Determination of design indicators of earth surface deformations for mineable buildings and structures. - C. 119-128.
- Semenenko Ye. V., Slobodiannykova I. L., Tepla T. D., Tatarko L. H. Determination of the pressure flow parameters of a structured suspension. - C. 129-141.
- Bubnova O. A., Babii K. V., Riumina D. M., Levchenko K. S. Justification of decisions regarding the water supply to the population in the mining regions in the conditions of local resources insufficiency. - C. 142-152.
- Yelatontsev D. O. Technical and economic justification of the technological scheme of sorption materials production from the coal fly ash. - C. 153-165.