Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2024, 15 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2024. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Gun’ko V. M., Turov V. V. Effects of particulate morphology, texture, and surface structures of various sorbents on bound water characteristics at low temperatures. - C. 441-455.
- Faris M. A. Al-Hamdany, Abdulkhaliq A. Sulaiman, Abdullah I. M. AlabdullahStudy of the performance of organic solar cells using SnO2 nanoparticles as electron transport layer growth by pulsed laser deposition. - C. 456-466.
- Tsitsishvili V. G., Dolaberidze N. M., Doula M. K., Gemishev O. T., Mirdzveli N. A., Nijaradze M. O., Amiridze Z. S., Khutsishvili B. T. The role of zeolite in imparting bacteriostatic properties to paper. - C. 467-477.
- Gichan О. І. Influence of kinetic parameters and diffusion coefficients on stationary concentration of electroactive and electroinactive species in a model electrochemical process with a preceding chemical reaction. - C. 478-487.
- Siharova N. V., Sementsov Yu. I., Zhuravsky S. V., Borysenko M. V., Starokadomsky D. L., Yurieva K. А., Terets A. D., Mistchanchuk O. V., Pączkowski P., Gawdzik B. Thermal destruction and thermophysical properties of polymer composites based on polyester resin with different content of carbon nanotubes. - C. 488-499.
- Kordzakhia T. N., Zautashvili M. G., Eprikashvili L. G., Pirtskhalava N. V., Dzagania M. A., Tsintskaladze G. P., Sharashenidze T. V., Rakviashvili A. G. New sorbents for determining the quality of alcoholic beverages by chromatographic analysis. - C. 500-506.
- Tsintskaladze G. P., Kordzakhia T. N., Sharashenidze T. V., Zautashvili M. G., Beridze G. M., Gabunia V. M., Javakhishvili I. R. Prospects for the use of pumice from Georgia in lightweight concretes. - C. 507-513.
- Samchenko Yu. M., Samoylenko O. A., Verbinenko A. V., Ganusevich І. I., Kernosenko L. O., Poltoratska T. P., Pasmurtseva N. O., Solovieva O. O., Volobayev I. I. Synthesis and application of polyacrylamide hydrogels with incorporated acid-activated Laponite® for diagnosis of oncological diseases. - C. 514-523.
- Barybina L. O., Tkachenko T. V., Haidai O. O., Sokol V. S., Korinenko B. V., Kamenskyh D. S., Sheludko Y. V., Povazhny V. A., Bohatyrenko V. A., Ruban S. V. Structural and morphological features of microcrystalline сellulose from industrial hemp hurd. - C. 524-533.
- Dzyazko Yu. S., Rozhdestvenska L. M., Kudelko K. O., Ponomaryova L. M., Shteinberg L. Ya., Yatsenko T. V. Polymer-inorganic membranes for removal of pesticides from water using pressure-driven technique. - C. 534-551.
- Samoilenko T. F., Yashchenko L. M., Yarova N. V., Brovko O. O. Properties of composites based on chemically treated hemp woody core and epoxyurethane containing epoxidized soybean oil. - C. 552-560.
- Perlova O. V., Dzyazko Yu. S., Karimova M. E., Palchik O. V., Ponomaryova L. M., Kolomiiets E. O. Magnetite-containing сomposite based on corn cob cellulose for adsorption of U(VI) compounds. - C. 561-573.
- Samchenko Y. M., Maletsky А. P., Kernosenko L. O., Dybkova S. M., Artiomov O. V., Poltoratska T. P., Rieznichenko L. S., Pasmurtceva N. O., Podolska V. I., Gruzina T. G. Sponge-like hybrid hydrogels for endoprosthetics in oculo-orbital area. - C. 574-582.
- Hrebelna Yu. V., Terets M. I., Demianenko E. M., Grebenyuk A. G., Siharova N. V., Zhuravskyi S. V., Ignatenko O. M., Cherniuk O. A., Sementsov Yu. I., Kartel M. T. Preparation of high purity thermoexfoliated graphite by electrochemical method. - C. 583-593.