Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2021, 93 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2021. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Nasadyuk C. M. Short peptide sequences: current knowledge and future prospects. - C. 5-13.
- Sahraei M., Meftahi G. H., Sahraei H. Covid-19 pandemic quarantine and social jetlag. - C. 14-20.
- Gonchar O. O., Klymenko O. O., Drevytska T. I., Bratus L. V., Mankovska I. M. Oxidative stress in rat heart mitochondria under a rotenone model of Parkinson’ disease: a corrective effect of capicor treatment. - C. 21-30.
- Storozhuk N. V., Pyrogova L. V., Chernyshenko Т. М., Kostyuchenko O. P., Platonova T. M., Storozhuk O. B., Storozhuk B. G., Marunich R. Yu., Bereznytsky G. K., Makogonenko E. M. Overall hemostasis potential of blood plasma and its connection to molecular markers of the hemostasis system in patients with stenosis of coronary artery. - C. 31-42.
- Shntaif A. H., Alrazzak N. A., Bader A., Almarzoqi A. M. Determination the binding ability of N-acetyl cysteine and its derivatives with SARS-Cov-2 main protease using molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies. - C. 43-51.
- Gudzenko O. V., Borzova N. V., Varbanets L. D., Seifullina I. I., Chebanenko O. A., Martsinko E. E. Different-ligand and different-metal xylaratogermanates as effectors of Penicillium restrictum IMV F-100139 α-L-rhamnosidase and α-galactosidase. - C. 52-62.
- Matskiv T. R., Lytkin D. V., Shebeko S. K., Khoma V. V., Martyniuk V. V., Gnatyshyna L. L., Stoliar O. B. Metallothioneins involment in the pathogenesis of synovial tissue inflammation in rats with acute gonarthritis. - C. 63-71.
- Hudkova O. O., Krysiuk I. P., Kishko T. O., Popova N. M., Drobot L. B., Latyshko N. V. Semicarbazide diminishes the signs of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. - C. 72-81.
- Bobrovnik S. A., Ogloblya O. V., Demchenko M. O., Komisarenko S. V. Thermodynamics of interaction between polyreactive immunoglobulins and immobilized antigen. - C. 82-89.
- Strilbytska O., Zayachkivska A., Strutynska T., Semaniuk U., Vaiserman A., Lushchak O. Dietary protein defines stress resistance, oxidative damages and antioxidant defense system in Drosophila melanogaster. - C. 90-101.
- Smirnov O. E., Kalynovskyi V. Ye., Yumyna Yu. M., Zelena P. P., Skoryk M. A., Dzhagan V. M., Taran N. Yu. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of hot chili pepper fruits and its antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. - C. 102-110.
- Abramova N. O., Pashkovska N. V., Vlasenko M. V. The impact of genetic factors on thyroid hormones metabolism in patients with diabetic kidney disease. - C. 111-116.
- Rija F. F., Hussein S. Z., Abdalla M. A. Osteoprotegerin, sclerostin, and osteocalcin serum levels in thyroid disorder patients. - C. 117-121.
- Данилова В. М., Матишевська О. П., Комісаренко С. В. Лауреат нобелівської премії Кері Малліс і полімеразна ланцюгова реакція (ПЛР). - C. 122-131.
- The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021. - C. 132.
- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021. - C. 133.