Immobilization of bioluminescent bacteria on the nonorganic substances and estimation of their ability for biot / Katsev, A. M., Abduramanova, E. R., Starodub, N. F. (2009)
| Biotechnologia Acta / Issue (2009, 2 (3))
Katsev A. M., Abduramanova E. R., Starodub N. F. Immobilization of bioluminescent bacteria on the nonorganic substances and estimation of their ability for biot
Cite: Katsev, A. M., Abduramanova, E. R., Starodub, N. F. (2009). Immobilization of bioluminescent bacteria on the nonorganic substances and estimation of their ability for biot. Biotechnologia Acta, 2 (3), 74-79. [In Russian]. |