The free proline content as the viability index of Nicotiana tabacum L. cell culture under stress conditions / Sergeeva, L. E., Bronnikova, L. I., Tishchenko, E. N. (2011)
| Biotechnologia Acta / Issue (2011, 4 (4))
Sergeeva L. E., Bronnikova L. I., Tishchenko E. N. The free proline content as the viability index of Nicotiana tabacum L. cell culture under stress conditions
Cite: Sergeeva, L. E., Bronnikova, L. I., Tishchenko, E. N. (2011). The free proline content as the viability index of Nicotiana tabacum L. cell culture under stress conditions. Biotechnologia Acta, 4 (4), 87-94. [In Russian]. | Воiстину народний артист / Боньковська О. (2010)
| The Ethnology notebooks / Issue (2010, 1-2)
Bonkovska O. Voistynu narodnyi artyst
Cite: Bonkovska, O. (2010). Voistynu narodnyi artyst. The Ethnology notebooks, 1-2, 269-272 [In Ukrainian]. |