Electro¬catalytic properties of the amorphous metallic alloys based on iron and aluminium / Kovbuz, M., Hertsyk, O., Boichyshyn, L., Kotur, B. (2013)
| Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society : Shemical Sciences / Issue (2013, 33)
Kovbuz M., Hertsyk O., Boichyshyn L., Kotur B. Electro¬catalytic properties of the amorphous metallic alloys based on iron and aluminium
Cite: Kovbuz, M., Hertsyk, O., Boichyshyn, L., Kotur, B. (2013). Electro¬catalytic properties of the amorphous metallic alloys based on iron and aluminium. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society : Shemical Sciences , 33, 64-74. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000160715 [In Ukrainian]. |