Features changes of composition structure of arboreal decorative groups of Trostjanets park / Ilienko, O. O., Medvediev, V. A., Shulha, S. O., Andriiko, M. O. (2014)
| Plant introduction / Issue (2014, 1)
Ilienko O. O., Medvediev V. A., Shulha S. O., Andriiko M. O. Features changes of composition structure of arboreal decorative groups of Trostjanets park
Cite: Ilienko, O. O., Medvediev, V. A., Shulha, S. O., Andriiko, M. O. (2014). Features changes of composition structure of arboreal decorative groups of Trostjanets park. Plant introduction, 1, 64-71. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000264683 [In Ukrainian]. |