The structure of populations and the factors of threats to rare plant species of international red lists in the Ukrainian Carpathians / Tsaryk, Y., Malynovsky, A., Kyyak, V., Bilonoha, V., Nesteruk, Y. (2014)
web address of the page Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum Б - 2020 / Issue (2014, Вип. 30)
Tsaryk Y., Malynovsky A., Kyyak V., Bilonoha V., Nesteruk Y. Тhe structure of populations and the factors of threats to rare plant species of international red lists in the Ukrainian Carpathians
Cite: Tsaryk, Y., Malynovsky, A., Kyyak, V., Bilonoha, V., Nesteruk, Y. (2014). The structure of populations and the factors of threats to rare plant species of international red lists in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum, 30, 97-112. |