Potentiometric sensor for pentachlorophenol determination in water / Kormosh, Zh. A., Savchuk, T. I., Bazel, Ja. R. (2013)
| Journal of water chemistry and technology / Issue (2013, 35 (4))
Kormosh Zh. A., Savchuk T. I., Bazel Ja. R. Potentiometric sensor for pentachlorophenol determination in water
Cite: Kormosh, Zh. A., Savchuk, T. I., Bazel, Ja. R. (2013). Potentiometric sensor for pentachlorophenol determination in water. Journal of water chemistry and technology , 35 (4), 275-285. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000402380 [In Russian]. |