Effect of fluorine ions and argillaceous particles concentration on efficiency of aluminum coagulants in defluorination of water / Mamchenko, A. V., Gerasimenko, N. G., Pakhar, T. A. (2014)
| Journal of water chemistry and technology / Issue (2014, 36 (6))
Mamchenko A. V., Gerasimenko N. G., Pakhar T. A. Effect of fluorine ions and argillaceous particles concentration on efficiency of aluminum coagulants in defluorination of water
Cite: Mamchenko, A. V., Gerasimenko, N. G., Pakhar, T. A. (2014). Effect of fluorine ions and argillaceous particles concentration on efficiency of aluminum coagulants in defluorination of water. Journal of water chemistry and technology , 36 (6), 532-545. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000427845 [In Russian]. |