Peculiarities of technology of production of sheet rolled metal from wastes of titanium sponge and its products / Konstantinov, V. S., Shapovalov, V. A., Davydov, S. I., Shvartsman, L. Ja., Teslevich, S. M. (2009)
| Electrometallurgy Today / Issue (2009, 2)
Konstantinov V. S., Shapovalov V. A., Davydov S. I., Shvartsman L. Ja., Teslevich S. M. Peculiarities of technology of production of sheet rolled metal from wastes of titanium sponge and its products
Cite: Konstantinov, V. S., Shapovalov, V. A., Davydov, S. I., Shvartsman, L. Ja., Teslevich, S. M. (2009). Peculiarities of technology of production of sheet rolled metal from wastes of titanium sponge and its products. Electrometallurgy Today, 2, 32-34. [In Russian]. |