The free proline content in corn seedlings as the indicator of rapid reactions during lethal osmotic stresses in vitro / Serhieieva, L. Ye., Mykhalska, S. I., Kurchii, V. M., Tyshchenko, O. M. (2015)
| Plant Physiology and Genetics / Issue (2015, 47 (6))
Serhieieva L. Ye., Mykhalska S. I., Kurchii V. M., Tyshchenko O. M. The free proline content in corn seedlings as the indicator of rapid reactions during lethal osmotic stresses in vitro
Cite: Serhieieva, L. Ye., Mykhalska, S. I., Kurchii, V. M., Tyshchenko, O. M. (2015). The free proline content in corn seedlings as the indicator of rapid reactions during lethal osmotic stresses in vitro. Plant Physiology and Genetics, 47 (6), 491-496. [In Ukrainian]. |