Features of styrene polymerization in the presence of the disperse chromium oxide / Dutka, V. S., Kovalskyi, Ya. P., Dutka, Yu. V. (2014)
| Polymer journal / Issue (2014, 36 (2))
Dutka V. S., Kovalskyi Ya. P., Dutka Yu. V. Features of styrene polymerization in the presence of the disperse chromium oxide
Cite: Dutka, V. S., Kovalskyi, Ya. P., Dutka, Yu. V. (2014). Features of styrene polymerization in the presence of the disperse chromium oxide. Polymer journal, 36 (2), 207-212. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000510401 [In Ukrainian]. |