Impact Consolidation of the Tungsten Powder in the Wide Range of Temperatures. II. Mechanical Properties / Tolochin, A. I., Laptev, A. V., Okun, I. Ju., Evich, Ja. I. (2014)
| Metallophysics and advanced technologies / Issue (2014, 36 (2))
Tolochin A. I., Laptev A. V., Okun I. Ju., Evich Ja. I. Impact Consolidation of the Tungsten Powder in the Wide Range of Temperatures. II. Mechanical Properties
Cite: Tolochin, A. I., Laptev, A. V., Okun, I. Ju., Evich, Ja. I. (2014). Impact Consolidation of the Tungsten Powder in the Wide Range of Temperatures. II. Mechanical Properties. Metallophysics and advanced technologies, 36 (2), 217-228. [In Russian]. |