Comparative analysis of indirect methods of HPLC-quantitation of amino acids and general methodical trends and prospects of amino acid analysis / Melnychuk, S. D., Hrynchuk, D. V., Tsvilikhovskyi, V. I. (2013)
| Zurnal Hromatograficnogo tovaristva / Issue (2013, 13 (1-4))
Melnychuk S. D., Hrynchuk D. V., Tsvilikhovskyi V. I. Comparative analysis of indirect methods of HPLC-quantitation of amino acids and general methodical trends and prospects of amino acid analysis
Cite: Melnychuk, S. D., Hrynchuk, D. V., Tsvilikhovskyi, V. I. (2013). Comparative analysis of indirect methods of HPLC-quantitation of amino acids and general methodical trends and prospects of amino acid analysis. Zurnal Hromatograficnogo tovaristva, 13 (1-4), 4-24. [In Ukrainian]. |