The Fine Structure of the Surface Layer and Tribological Properties of QT 41Cr4 Steel Parts after Finish Turning Machining with Coated Cutters / Enek, M., Feldshtejn, E. (2014)
| Metallophysics and advanced technologies / Issue (2014, 36 (9))
Enek M., Feldshtejn E. The Fine Structure of the Surface Layer and Tribological Properties of QT 41Cr4 Steel Parts after Finish Turning Machining with Coated Cutters
Cite: Enek, M., Feldshtejn, E. (2014). The Fine Structure of the Surface Layer and Tribological Properties of QT 41Cr4 Steel Parts after Finish Turning Machining with Coated Cutters. Metallophysics and advanced technologies, 36 (9), 1259-1270. [In Russian]. |